How to do a sync reset a roaming workstation
At times, there may be a need to perform a sync reset a roaming workstation. This can happen due to many factors but will cause syncing to stop until a reset is performed. This knowledge base article will describe how to determine if a roaming workstation requires a reset; and how to perform the reset to restore functionality.
Step 1: Determine if the roaming workstation is paused or disabled
- On the main system, click the Setup tab
- Click the Roaming Workstation icon
- On the roaming workstations window, you will see a list of all the roaming workstations setup for your account
- If the status of a roaming workstation is either paused or disabled, a reset will be required.
NOTE: If the Roaming Workstation is paused or disabled, please refer to this knowledgebase article which contains directions on how to make sure your file sharing service and the roaming workstation agent are both running. If either is not running on the main computer or roaming workstation, then the roaming workstation reset will not complete:
Troubleshooting Roaming Workstations.
- On the roaming workstation computer , drop down the Solatech icon in the upper left hand corner
- Select Manage this Company>Manage this Roaming Workstation
- On the Manage this Roaming Workstation window, click the button Reset Sync State
NOTE: The message shown will indicate that the reset may take up to 25 minutes. Depending on the number of active roaming workstations on your account, it could take longer.
Step 3: Reset and Sync Quotes and/or Sales
Any quotes or sales that were selected to be synced prior to the reset process, will need to be reset and synced, following the directions in this knowledge base article:
How to reset sync status
Applies to:
- Solatech SalesPRO software