Account Administrator: How to setup QuickBooks Online Integration for your account

Account Administrator: How to setup QuickBooks Online Integration for your account


Solatech Focus users who have the QuickBooks Online Integration enabled for their account can easily link their Focus account to their QuickBooks online account.  After a few setup items have been completed, the Account Administrator can begin sending information to QuickBooks Online from Focus.  This knowledge base article will describe that process.

Additional Information

  • QuickBooks Online Integration is an optional add-on feature. Contact your Site Administrator or Solatech Sales for additional information.
  • QuickBooks Online Integration must be enabled by your Site Administrator before the steps in this article can be completed. 
  • An active QuickBooks Online account is required.

Step 1: Initial Setup

  1. While logged in as an Account Administrator (AA), click on Admin from the upper navigational toolbar
  2. Click on Integrations from the lower navigational toolbar
  3. Click the button Connect to QuickBooks Online

  4. On the Intuit Sign In screen, enter your QuickBooks Email/User ID and Password and click Sign In
  5. On the next window, you will be asked to select the QuickBooks company you wish to connect to Solatech Focus (if more than one QuickBooks company exists)
  6. Click the Connect button
  7. You will receive a message that your account is now connected in QuickBooks.

Step 2: Setup Accounts

  1. Now that QuickBooks is connected with Focus, you will need to setup your list of accounts to be used for export. Since the account names need to match in both places to insure proper import, you will need to refer to QuickBooks Online for this part of the setup process. 
  2. Navigate to your Chart of Accounts in QuickBooks Online
  3. Enter the name of each account shown in Solatech Focus to match the account name in QuickBooks Online
  4. The Default Income Account will be the account that you use to track sales
  5. The Default Expense Account will be the account that you use to track expenses. This is typically Cost of Goods Sold. 
  6. The image below is an example of accounts that have been filled in. This is only an example - your values will vary, based upon your current QuickBooks Online setup.

  7. If you do not want to send width and height to QuickBooks, place a check mark to the right of Use Alternate line item description
  8. When all information has been entered, press Update

Step 3: Setup tax rates, terms and payment methods

All of the items listed below can be accessed by clicking  Admin, and selecting Lists
  1. Sales tax rate setup in Focus will vary, based upon how your sales tax rates are calculated in QuickBooks Online. 
    • If you are using automatic tax rate calculations in QuickBooks, sales tax information in Focus will not be sent to QuickBooks Online.  If your sales tax rates are not entered properly in Solatech Focus however, the tax total could be different in both systems.
    • If you are using manually entered tax rates in QuickBooks, then the sales tax rates entered in Focus must match the information in QuickBooks.   If sales tax rates do not match in both systems, QuickBooks export will fail. 
  2. All Terms that are in QuickBooks Online should also be in Solatch Focus. If the terms sent from Solatech Focus are entered differently than they are in QuickBooks Online, then a new Terms item will be added to QuickBooks.
  3. All Payment Methods that are in QuickBooks Online should also be in Solatech Focus. If the Payment Methods sent from Solatech Focus are entered differently than in QuickBooks Online, then a new Payment Method will be added to QuickBooks.
  • How to use QuickBooks Online Integration

Applies To:

  1. Solatech Focus

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