Setting up Terms and Conditions for your Process Reports

Setting up Terms and Conditions for your Process Reports


Account Administrators can setup multiple versions of Process Reports that can be printed, previewed or emailed to customers or other users.   This knowledge base article will describe how to setup and attach your Terms & Conditions to your Process Reports.

Create your Terms & Conditions in a Microsoft Word (or similar app) document

Using Microsoft Word, or a similar app, create your Terms & Conditions.  
Save your Terms & Conditions document in .rtf (Rich Text format).
Make sure it is saved in a location that will be easy for you to find later.

In order to attach your Terms & Conditions to your Process Reports, you will first need to navigate to the Process Reports page.

Each account will have one set of Solatech Process Reports at deployment.  To get to your Process Reports:
  1. Click on Admin from the upper navigational toolbar
  2. Scroll down to the Output section
  3. You will see your default company logo and terms and conditions for your signature page
  4. Beneath that is the Process Report section
  5. Click the Manage button to go to the Process Report Templates page

      6. You will see a list of all current templates for your account. 
      7. Place a check mark to the left of a template that you would like your Terms & Conditions attached to activate the             tool bar menu.
      8. Click Edit to make changes to the Process Report.

Attaching your Terms & Conditions

      9. Once editing your process report, scroll down past where you see your company logo and you will find the Terms             & Conditions section.  If there is a document already attached the name of the document will show here.
    1. Click the Trash can icon to delete any existing documents.
    2. Click the cloud with the down arrow to download the existing document (you can do this when you want to edit your Terms & Conditions.)
      10. To upload the Terms & Conditions you created in the first step, click the Upload button.

      11. Navigate to where you saved your .rtf document and select it.

      12. Click the Open button and your Terms & Conditions will be uploaded and attached to your Process Report.

Testing your Terms & Conditions

Once your Terms & Conditions are attached, scroll to the bottom of the screen and enter a Quote, Sale, or Order number to test how it looks on your selected output.

Applies To:

  1. Solatech Focus
  2. Solatech DOS 

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