Setting up Process Reports and Email Templates
Account Administrators can setup multiple versions of Process Reports that can be printed, previewed or emailed to customers or other users. This knowledge base article will describe how to setup and use process report templates
Accessing and navigating the Process Reports page
Each account will have one set of Solatech Process Reports at deployment. These process reports will each have an associated Solatech email.
- Click on Admin from the upper navigational toolbar
- Scroll down to the Output section
- You will see your default company logo and terms and conditions for your signature page
- Beneath that is the Process Report section
- Click the Manage button to go to the Process Report Templates page
- You will see a list of all current templates for your account.
- Place a check mark to the left of a template to activate the tool bar menu

- Moving from left to right on the menu, you can: Edit; Copy; Delete; Enable or Disable the report (note that some of the menu items can be used when selecting multiple process reports)
- Edit - allows you to make changes to the process report and email
- Copy - allows you to duplicate an existing process report. You will be able to give the new report a different name and settings
- Delete - permanently removes the selected process report(s)
- Enable - enable the selected process report(s) for use
- Disable - disabled the selected process report(s).
- On the right hand side of the page, the New Template button allows you to start a brand new template
- The drop down menu allows you to choose which types of templates you wish to view: All; Quotes; Sales; Orders; Purchase Orders
Creating a new template
- When the New Template button is selected you will arrive at a page that will allow you to setup general properties for the new process report.
- Template Name
- Description
- Assigned - where this template will be used. Multiple items can be checked
- Layout - all templates use a specified layout. Generally you will want to use the layout that most closely matches the type of template you are creating
- Title - what will be shown in the upper right hand corner on the customer output (see screenshot below)

- Placing the radio button in Use the company contact information from the account settings will cause the template to have your main company address and contact information
- Placing the radio button in the Use the specified company contact information will allow you to enter new information for this report
- The page footer section allows you to enter text that will print at the bottom of the template (example: Thank you for this opportunity)
- In the Settings section, you have the opportunity to change what details are shown on your report. Please note that these settings should be tested when changes are made. It is possible to select combinations of setting which will result in totals not appearing correctly on the report.
- The following are available
- Hide item pricing - hides all pricing on the report. This is typically used for items such as Installer forms, where no pricing is required.
- Hide all line item pricing - hides only the price for each individual line item. Totals section is still visible.
- Hide the MSRP - hides the book price for the line items
- Hide the total - hides the total price after discounts and surcharge items are added.
- Hide the line item total
- Hide the subtotal - hides the subtotal field
- Hide the tax - hides the tax total
- Hide Discounts - hides the discount details and total
- Hide discount details - hides discount description.
- Show discounts positive - displays the discounts as a number (i.e. $200) instead of in ( )
- Hide Surcharges - hide surcharge total
- Hide Surcharge details - hides surcharge description and total
- Hide Service Categories hides all pricing for surcharges which is typically seen in the totals section
- Hide Payment Details - payment details will not be displayed on process reports
- Hide the line item details - hides all information for the lines with the exception of product and style
- Show the Width and Height - displays width and height on the report
- Show the line item notes
- Options down and then across in columns
- Hide the Terms and Conditions - hides terms and conditions
- Show the product totals - displays totals for products and styles
- Hide Signature - the signature line is hidden
- Show lead source - displays selected lead source in the upper right hand corner of the report
- Hide appointment type - hides appointment type selected in customer details (note: if no appointment type is selected, then this field will not display on output)
- Hide terms- hides the terms in the information bar
- Hide delivery range - hides the delivery range section in the information bar (note: if no delivery range is selected, then this field will not display on output)
Once the Save button is pressed, you will setup the remainder of your template. The General Properties section contains the information we entered above (note: this can be edited by pressing the pencil icon). You will also see three more sections: Logo; Terms & Conditions and Email. We will discuss those below.
- Logo - this section will contain your company logo by default. If you wish to use an alternate logo, press the pencil icon on the toolbar

- On the new page, you will be able to upload the new logo and set up the proper dimensions (note - you will see the new logo after you hit save on this page)

- Terms and Conditions - use this section to upload your Terms and Conditions for the template. Note: Terms and conditions need to be in rich text format (*rtf)
- Email - this is where you will setup the email to be used with this process report. If no email has been setup for a process report, then the user will not see the process report as an option to send the customer. Press the pencil icon to begin.
- On the Email Template settings page, first select which email address will be shown in the To: field (customer, sales rep, or installer)
- You may enter a Cc: and/or Bcc: as well
- Subject will be the subject line
- Body - type what you would like the email to say in this box. You may use database fields in this template. To see the available fields, click the hyperlink (see screenshot below)

- When you have finished entering information, press the Save button
- Your new process report template will be shown in the list of available templates

Note: Process reports with no associated email templates will be identified with the red circle shown above.
Using Process Report Templates
- From the Quote, Sale Or Order Review page, use the drop down menu to select the report to be used
- You may View the report, which will open a copy that can be downloaded
- Click the Email Report to send to a client
- On the Email page which appears next, you can edit the template to personalize before sending
- The Process Report is automatically attached
See also:
- Creating customer email templates
Applies To:
- Solatech Focus
- Solatech DOS
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