Manually Installing SQL Server for SalesPro

Manually Installing SQL Server for SalesPro


SQL server must be installed manually until the Installation Assistant gets fixed.  The directions to do this are as follows:

  • Must first check to make sure what version of SQL server customer is running.  For new installations, no SQL server will be installed.
    • Type SQL in search or scroll through programs.
    • If you find a program “Microsoft SQL Server 2005 – this won’t work.  We are now installing SQL 2019.
  • Go into an internet browser and search in google for:
    • Make sure you are going to a Microsoft site, not anything else.
  • Once that opens, click on Download.  
  • Once Downloaded, run the file.
  • You will be asked if you want to install the Basic package, Custom, or one other choice.
    • Choose Custom
  • Choose New Install.

  • When the window comes up to install, choose “I accept”, then “Next”.
You should get the following screen after it runs through the installation steps.

  1. Click Next to continue.
  2. In the following screen, only check the boxes you see checked below:

  1. Click Next to continue.
  2. In the following screen you need to name the SQL server instance.  The default is SQLEXPRESS.  Change it to: SWCS5
  3. Click Next to Continue
  4. On the next screen choose "Mixed Mode (SQL Server authentication and Windows authentication)"
  5. Then enter the user: sa password: swcs. (It may not ask for the user name - if not just put in the password where it indicates)
  6. Click Next
  7. At this point, it should run through all the required actions an finish successfully.  In the event it tells you to restart, just click OK and allow it to run through the actions.  Then restart and re-run the setup to make sure it is complete (To do this just double click on the SQL2019-SSEI-Expr.exe file again, located in your downloads folder.)
  8. This will run through all the steps again, but will be much quicker this time around.  
  9. If you've had to run it through a second time, it should say the install was successful
  10. Now you will also need to download and install the SQL server Native Client from here:

The instructions below are done AFTER you install SalesPro - the steps below are also located on the installation instructions for SalesPro.
  • Now you can go back into SWCS5.0 and create a  your new company (if you are moving a database to a new computer then the company name must match what was on the old computer.
  • Once the name is entered, click the Advanced button at the bottom of that small window. This will open the Connection Properties tab.
  • Authentication should be set to SQL Server Authentication.
  • Put in User Name sa
  • Put in Password: swcs
  • Click OK
  • This should allow the company to open. 
  • You are Done!!

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