This article will step you through the
process of exporting customers from your SWCS company database using the
SWCS 4.2 Export Utility, updating the exported data in Microsoft Excel
and then importing the customer information into SalesPRO.
1. Run the SWCS 4.2 Export Utility.
2. Click the Select button to select the SWCS company that contains the customers you want to create labels for.
3. Under What do you want to export, select Customers.
4. Under How do you want to filter the data, select how you want to filter the customers.
5. Click Save As and select a file where the exported data will be saved. This file will be the file you open with Excel.
6. The export utility should now look similar to this:
7. Click Start to export the customers. You may be prompted to login to the SWCS company.
8. Once the customers have been exported you can close the export utility.
1. Run Microsoft Excel by clicking on its shortcut on your desktop.
Don’t run Excel by double-clicking on the customer export file or
right-clicking on the customer export file and selecting Open with. This
won’t open the export file the correct way.
2. Click File, Open.
3. Navigate to the folder where you saved the exported customer file, select it and click Open. You may need to change the file filter on the Open dialog box to All Files.
4. The Text Import Wizard will start.
5. For the Original data type, select Delimited.
6. Click Next.
7. Check Tab in the list of delimiters. Make sure this is the only delimiter checked.
8. Click Finish.
9. Excel should now look similar to this:
In the Excel file you will need to remove some columns that are in SWCS
4.2 but are no longer supported in SalesPRO. To Delete a column
right-click on the column header and select Delete form the menu.
Delete the following columns:
In the Excel file you will need to rename some columns that are used
SWCS 4.2 to the supported SalesPRO 5.0 name. To rename a column click on
the first cell in the column and type the new name.
Rename the following columns:
12. The information in the SalesRepUserName, InstallerUserName and DesignerUserName
fields will need to be checked and changed to match the information in
the SalesPRO 5.0 Edit Employee window to match the User Name field.
The SalesRepUserName, InstallerUserName and DesignerUserName fields will need to be change to match the User Name data from SalesPro 5.0.
In the Excel file you will need to add some required columns that are
not in SWCS 4.2 but are needed for the SalesPRO 5.0 import. To add a new
column click on the first cell of a last blank column and type in the
new column name.
Note: Only the CustomerDiscountGroup is required to be added.
Add the following columns:
14. The new CustomerDiscountGroup column will need to have the value Customer added to all the records. (REQUIRED)
15. The new Optional columns can be added as needed to selected records or left blank. (OPTIONAL)
Now save the file as a Tab delimited file. Click on the file tab in
Excel and click Save As. Chooses a location you wish to save the file
and change the Save as type to Text (Tab delimiter) (*.txt) and click
1. Open SalesPRO.
2. Click on the Customer button on the Home tab.
3. On the Customer tab click the Import button.
4. In the Select a file to import box navigate to the text file you just created and click open.
5. After the import is finished Refresh the Customer tab and check that all new customer have been added.