The Workflow in Solatech Focus consists of several statuses for Quotes, Sales, Orders, and Purchase Orders that take the user through the process from start to finish. There are several statuses in each stage of the sale process (Quote/Sale/Order). This article will take you through each status and what each status means.
Quote Statuses:
statuses will appear in quotes only. Some statuses will be applied to
the quote automatically, and others require a manual change. Once the
quote has been converted to a Sale, the statuses will change to Sale
statuses. The workflow buttons on the Quote Review page are below:
Quote Created:
you create a quote the status "Quote Created" is automatically applied.
This status indicates that the quote is newly created and has not yet
been printed or sent to the customer.
Quote Presented:
Once the quote has had any kind of output created or viewed, the status changes to "Quote Presented" automatically. This simply means that the quote has been either emailed to the customer, or viewed by the customer or user. When the quote is in this status, the user is awaiting an answer from the customer.
Quote Cancelled:
A quote is manually put into the status of Quote Cancelled by pressing the [Cancel Quote] button on the Quote Review page. This status indicates that the customer has decided to decline the quote. This does not remove the quote from the system, but will take it out of the list on the Quotes list page. The quote will still be available by using the Search feature on the Search page.
Sale Statuses:
These top statuses will appear in sales only, and are similar to the statuses for Quotes. Once a quote is converted to a sale, it cannot revert to a quote. If you would like to make a similar quote, just click on the [Create Quote] button. The workflow buttons on the Sale Review page are shown below:
Sale Created:
Your Sale will be in this status automatically when a Sale is created by the user by pressing the [Convert to Sale] button under the Workflow section on the Quote Review page. This status indicates that no output has been viewed or emailed to the customer.
Sale Presented:
status indicates the Sale has been sent to the customer (as an order
confirmation - viewed or emailed) and the user is awaiting an answer or
payment from the customer.
On Hold:
The status of the Sale can be manually changed to "On Hold" by clicking on the [Sale on Hold] button in the Workflow section of the Sale Review page. This status indicates that the customer wants to proceed with the sale but the company is required to give the customer time to change their mind, or the Sale is put on Hold for a variety of other reasons. The Reason for the On Hold Status could be entered as an internal comment. The sale can be converted back to the Sale Created status by clicking on the [Restore] button on the Sale Review page.
Sale Cancelled:
A sale must be manually changed to this status by pressing the [Cancel Sale] button under the Workflow section on the Sale Review page. This indicates that the customer has decided not to proceed with the sale. This status is used to give the user a chance to review the sale and follow up with the customer. The Sale still exists in the system and can be found through a search, but won’t be listed on the Sales lists page. A Cancelled Sale can be restored by clicking [Restore] while viewing the Sale Review page.
statuses differ from those of Quotes or Sales, and are more numerous.
Again, some will be automatically applied, while others require a
manual change. The workflow buttons on the Order Review page are shown
Order Created:
This status is automatically applied when the user presses the [Order Now] button on the Sale Review page. Purchase orders are also automatically created during this process and are sent electronically (when available) to the fabricator. Orders and Purchase Orders cannot be edited.
Order Invoiced:
The status of an order is changed to "Invoiced" if the user prints, previews, or emails an Invoice for that order.
Order Partial:
An order is put into this status if the user clicks the [Order Partial]
button in the Workflow section of the Order Review page. This status
means the Order is partially complete. If the order includes more than
one Purchase Order, and only some of the Purchase Orders have been
received (PO status changed to Delivered), the system will change the
order status to Partial automatically.
Order Received:
An order can be placed into the status of "Received" manually by clicking on the [Order Received] button in the workflow section of the Order Review page. This status indicates that all Purchase Orders associated with this order have been received. The status of the order will be automatically changed to "Received" if all of the Purchase Order statuses are changed to "Delivered". This status means that this order can be schedule for delivery, installation, or pickup.
Order Ready:
This status indicates that the order is scheduled for Delivery, Pickup, or Installation. The order is manually changed to this status by clicking on [Order Ready] in the Workflow section of the Order Review page.
Order Delivered:
of the order is now in the customer's hands and/or the installation is
complete. The order is manually changed to this status by click on the [Order Delivered] button in the Workflow section of the Order Review page.
Order Closed:
Once the balance of the order is zero, it can be closed. This is done manually by clicking on [Close Order] in the Workflow section of the Order Review page. The Order still exists in the system and can be found through a search, but won’t be listed on the Order lists page.
Order Cancelled:
An Order is manually changed to this status by clicking on the [Cancel Order] button in the Workflow section of the Order Review page. This button is only available to the Site Admin of your site. The Order will no longer be seen on the Orders list page but are available through the search feature. The order can be put back into the Order Created status by clicking on [Restore] on the Order Review page.
Purchase Order Statuses:
statuses correlate with your Order statuses and are viewed by click on
the PO number from the Order Review page. Changing a PO status will, in
some cases, change the status of your order as well. The workflow
buttons on your Purchase Order Review page are below:
a Sale is Ordered and the Order created, the Purchase Order(s) are also
created and automatically put in the status of "Ordered".
In Review:
A PO can be manually changed to the "In Review" status by clicking on the [On Hold] button in the Workflow section of the PO Review Page. Changing a PO to this status will change the status of each line item in that PO to "On Hold" also, but does not change the status of the Order.
In Progress:
A PO can be manually changed to the "In Progress" status by click on the [In Production] button in the Workflow section of the PO Review Page. At this time the status of all line items associated with the PO will be changed to "In Production". The Status of the Order will not be changed.
The PO will be changed to "Shipped" by clicking on the [Shipped] button in the Workflow section of the PO Review Page. This will change all line items to the status of shipped as well, but the status of the Order will not be changed.
Clicking on the [Delivered] button in the Workflow section of the PO Review Page will put the PO in the "Delivered" status. When a PO is changed to this status it will no longer show up on the Purchase Order list page. If an Order has multiple POs and only some of them are changed to the Status "Delivered", the Order will be changed to the status "Partial". If all of the POs associated with an Order are changed to the status "Delivered", the Order will be changed to the status "Received".
A PO is cancelled by clicking on the [Cancel] button in the Workflow section of the PO Review Page. This action will make your workflow buttons no longer accessible and can only be undone by changing the status of the line item within the PO. The purchase order will no longer show up on the PO list page, but can still be accessed through its associated order. Changing a PO to the cancelled status will not change the status of the associated Order.
Purchase Order Item Details:
The Item Details section appears when a user clicks on one PO line in the Items section.
Details are sent from certain vendors automatically. A user can also
manually update the items Details, using the Status dropdown menu and by
entering carrier, tracking numbers, and dates. Note: When updating Item Details manually, remember to always click the Save button.
POs sent to vendors will automatically be placed in the Status of Approved. The status of the PO will not change.
Other common statuses available in the dropdown menu include: