This article explains how to optimize a style for the inventory control module of the Solatech Window Covering Software.
When a product is setup with a large number of inventory items there may be a delay when processing orders due to the fact that the system needs to evaluate all inventory items in order to determine those that apply to the current order. To make this process more efficient a style can be optimized for inventory. The basic process involves adding special options to the style that the inventory control system can use to make more efficient choices when evaluating the possible items to be included on the order.
Currently there are three optimization methods available: EvaluateInventoryItemsFromOption,
EvaluateInventoryItemsFromValue and EvaluateInventoryItemsFromList.
This method is designed to work with products in which there is one inventory item per style and the inventory item is referenced in one of the options. The optimization involves telling the system to look and evaluate only one specific inventory item instead of all enabled inventory items.
What are the prerequisites
In order to use this optimization method the product must have an option in the style in which the value of the option indicates the item name of the inventory item that could be used for the style. This optimization method only works if there can only be one inventory item for the style. This is because when the system sees this optimization command it will only look at the inventory item referenced by the option instead of all enabled inventory items in the company.
Add the optimization command to the style
Add an option with the following parameters to the style(s) that are to be optimized
The product has a list of inventory items that are pieces of hardware. The style is setup with an option called 'Item No.' which the user users to select the hardware item to be used. This option would typically be setup as a list. In this case the optimization option would reference this option by name. (the formula part of the EvaluateInventoryItemsFromOption option would be 'Item No.').
This method is designed to work with products in which there are multiple inventory items per style and the inventory items are referenced in one of the options. The optimization involves telling the system to look and evaluate one or more specific inventory items instead of all enabled inventory items.
What are the prerequisites
In order to use this optimization method the product must have an option in the style in which the value of the option indicates the names of the inventory items that could be used for the style. This optimization method only works if there are a few inventory items for a style. This is because when the system sees this optimization command it will only look at the inventory items referenced by the option instead of all enabled inventory items in the company and you are limited to the number of inventory item names you can reference in the option.
Add the optimization command to the style
Add an option with the following parameters to the style(s) that are to be optimized
The product has a list of inventory items that are pieces of hardware, however for the style only three inventory items are to be used. The option EvaluateInventoryItemsFromValue would have the names of those three items: 0711.063, 8393.889, 2749.011.
This method is designed to work with products in which there are multiple inventory items per style and the inventory items are referenced in one of the options. The optimization involves telling the system to look and evaluate one or more specific inventory items instead of all enabled inventory items.
What are the prerequisites
In order to use this optimization method the product must have an option in the style in which the value of the option indicates a list, of which contains the names of the inventory items that could be used for the style.
Add the optimization command to the style
Add an option with the following parameters to the style(s) that are to be optimized
The product has a list of inventory items that are pieces of hardware, however for the style only a few inventory items are to be used. Create a list and add the inventory items that should be evaluated. The option EvaluateInventoryItemsFromList would reference that list.