Adding a Product to a Quote

Adding a Product to a Quote

More Information

These navigation and entry instructions may not be the only way to complete the desired task.  For more in-depth explanations, any related articles will follow the instructions as links.


  • To create a line item from the beginning, click on Add Product.  The product and style will default to the last one used, or to your specified default product, depending on your Application Settings.


  • To add more line items, click on Add and Continue from Order Entry.  This will keep the Order Entry window open while still adding your line to the quote.


  • If the new line item is an exact copy of another line in the quote (in the same Room Location) modify the quantity instead of creating another line item.


While editing a quote or sale, 

  • Highlight an existing line item, click on Duplicate Line to add it to the end of the quote.

  • Double click on the new line to edit.

  • Make all necessary changes to the line.

  • Click OK to save.


  • Highlight an existing line item, click on the down-arrow next to Add Product, and select As a Copy.
  • Make all necessary changes to the line.

  • Click Add and Continue or Add to save.

To reorder the line items in the quote, highlight and hold down the mouse button for the line item to be moved.  As the mouse is moved up (or down), a red line will appear, and position between the line items.  When the red line has moved to the desired placement, release the button and the line will be moved into that slot.

When the quantity changes, all customer discounts, and any item discounts, will be applied for the total quantity.  As well, all additional charges (e.g. shipping, measurement) that are charged per product, will be automatically adjusted.  Any charges or discounts/promotions that are triggered by quantity will also take effect. 

Applies to

  • SalesPRO Software

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