How to disable AutoClose in SQL Server 2005

How to disable AutoClose in SQL Server 2005


This article explains how to disable the AutoClose database property for SQL Server 2005 databases.

More Information

There is a feature in the database engine that SWCS uses, Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition, that causes it to automatically close the connection to the database when it's no longer being used. This has the effect of slowing down the software significantly as a new connection must be opened each time the database is accessed.

Normally when a company is opened the software checks to see if this property is turned on. If it is then it's automatically turned off. If you need to check this setting, or turn it on/off manually you must use the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express.

To see if you have the Management Studio Express software installed, click Start, All Programs, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and then look for a menu called "SQL Server Management Studio Express". If you don't see this then you probably don't have the studio installed (it's not installed by default).

To install Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express

  1. Download the setup program from When prompted to Run or Save, choose Save. Save the file to your Desktop.
  2. Once the download has finished, close all running applications.
  3. Locate the file SQLServer2005_SSMSEE on your desktop and double-click on it.
  4. Follow the instructions of the setup program. Use the default for all options. It should take just a few minutes to install.
  5. Once setup has finished you can delete the file SQLServer2005_SSMSEE from your desktop.

To disable AutoClose

  1. Click Start, All Programs, Microsoft SQL Server 2005, SQL Server Management Studio Express.
  2. When prompted to login you will need to select the SQL server that has the SWCS database. Expand the drop down for 'Server name' and select the one with "SOLATECHDB" at the end.
  3. Select "Windows Authentication".
  4. Click Connect.
  5. From the list of items in the Summary pane, double-click on Databases.
  6. Find the database for your company and right-click on it.
  7. From the menu select Properties.
  8. Select the Options page.
  9. From the list of properties on the right, look for one called Auto Close.
  10. Change it's value to False.
  11. Click OK.
  12. Close the Management Studio.


For more information, refer to the following knowledge base articles:

  • How to prevent the database AutoClose property from being reset


  • Solatech Window Covering Software 4.2

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