This article describes how to add additional discount amounts and subtotals to process reports.
Beginning with Solatech Software version, users can add a Subtotal field to process reports (such as Quotes, Invoices and Order Confirmations). The Subtotal field will display a revised subtotal amount on process reports when additional discounts have been entered on an order (order discounts are entered on the Payments tab in order entry). The additional discount amount can either be entered as a dollar amount or as a percentage. If entered as a percentage, the software will automatically calculate and display the dollar amount as well. For example, in an order with a total of $1,000 and an additional discount of 25% entered on the Payments tab, the report would list the amounts in the following manner:
Subtotal: $1,000
Discount: 25% ($250)
To set up this feature, follow the steps below. For this example, we will be working with quotes, but the process is the same for all other reports.
In order to make any changes to a process report you first need to make a copy of the standard report (you can't make changes to the built-in reports).
Note: If you already have a modified report you want to use you can skip this section and proceed with the section Adding the Subtotal Field.
Making a copy of a standard report
Now that your modified report has been modified you need to configure the process reports setup so that the new report is used instead of the existing report.
To setup your new report to be used
Now that the report has been set up, we can add the subtotal field
To add the subtotal field
Repeat the steps above for any other process reports to which you wish to add the Discount and Subtotal after Discount fields.