Creating and Maintaining your Site and Accounts information in Solatech Focus

Creating and Maintaining your Site and Accounts information in Solatech Focus


When you receive your Focus site, certain items have been setup for you prior to delivery.  These items include payment terms and methods, product margins, sales tax rates and more. When any of these items require adjustment, or when you need to enter a new Account, this article will describe how to do so as a Site Administrator (SA).

Admin Tab

There are three sections on this page:  Basic Settings, Home Page and Page Footer Links.

  1. Basic Settings:  in this section, the SA can change the site logo and theme
  2. Home Page:  In this section, the SA can change the Slides and Teasers on the site’s Home page.
  3. Page Footer Links: allows the SA to change or add page footer links found at the bottom of their site. After making in changes, the user should hit the Apply button

Note: The Settings section is only visible to the Site Administrator. Any changes made in Settings will apply to all accounts.  For additional information on updating your Home Page, refer to this Knowledge Base article:  Updating your Solatech Focus Home Page

There are three sections on this page: Vendors, Products and Styles. 

  1. Vendors: This section lists available vendors in the system. The number following the vendor name indicates how many products from this vendor are available on your site.
  2. Products: This section, allows the SA to enable or disable products, enter margins and surcharges, and assign products to one or more accounts. Note: Margins assigned by the Site Administrator will only apply to accounts created after margins are entered.
  3. Styles:  This section allows the SA to apply margins or surcharges at the style level.

Using the action bar to make bulk changes to Enabled Status, Taxable Status, Margins or Surcharges

  1. To view products for a particular vendor, click on the vendor name in the vendor section.
  2. You will see an action bar beneath the products heading
  3. You may select multiple products in the list by clicking on the first one and holding down the Ctrl key to select additional products
  4. Enter the appropriate information from the Action Bar: Enabled/Disabled; Taxable/Non-Taxable, Margin, NetMargin, Surcharge
  5. Hit Apply
  6. The changes will be applied to all highlighted products.

Assigning individual products to an account

  1. Click on one product
  2. Hit AssignTo to assign this product to one or more of your Accounts
  3. Hit Save to save the assignment changes

The Lists page allows the SA to enter terms, lead sources and payment types.  Note: List Items assigned by the Site Administrator will only apply to accounts created after items are entered.

This section allows the Site Administrator to add one or more Secondary Site Administrators.

Audit Log

The Audit Log allows the Site Administrator to see a record of all log-ins from users on all accounts. Specific date ranges can be applied using the bar at the top of this page.


The Accounts section allows the Site Administrator to add an account and edit existing accounts.

Adding an Account: to add a new store account, follow these directions

  • Click the Add Account button
  • All required fields are marked with a red asterisk
  • In the section Primary Account Admin you will enter information for the employee who will be responsible for maintaining that account. This user will have the ability to do many of the same maintenance items as the site administrator for their specific account.
  • When information has been entered, click the Create button

Editing an accountfrom the account list, double click on one account name. This page allows you to make changes for this specific account. There are two sections on this page: Account and Output. 

  1. Account – in this section you can update the account's  name, email address, billing/shipping addresses, and phone number(s).
  2. Output Section – in this section the SA can:
  • Assign an account logo (for use on output)
  • Enter or change terms and conditions

At the top of the Accounts page, there are four additional links: Products, Discounts, Lists and Users.

  1. Products– this link allows a SA or or an Account Administrator (AA) to view vendors, enter account numbers, enable or disable products and enter margins and surcharges. These changes apply ONLY to this account.
  2. Discounts- this link allows a SA or an AA to modify vendor discounts (cost factors) for their account. 
  3. Lists- this link allows a SA or AA to modify Terms, Lead Sources, Payment Types, Tax Codes and Default Amounts (for surcharges and discounts)
  4. Users - this link allows a SA or AA to add users to their Account.

Products section:

The Account Products section allows the SA or AA to:

Enable/Disable Products

  • Products which are enabled will be available to all sales reps for this account
  • Products which are disabled will not be available to any sales reps for this account

Mark Products as Taxable/Non-taxable

  • Taxable status for products will only apply to this Account

Enter or adjust Margin/NetMargin/Surcharges

  • Margin, NetMargin or Surcharges changes will only apply to this Account


The discounts section allows the SA or AA to adjust existing vendor discounts (cost factors).  Note: These discounts will apply only to this Account.


The Lists page allows the SA or AA to enter terms, lead sources and payment types.  Note:  These list items will only apply to this Account.


The Users page allows the SA or AA to create users for this account. 

Applies To:

  • Solatech Focus

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