Creating a quote in Solatech Focus

Creating a quote in Solatech Focus


This article will describe how to create a quote in Solatech Focus, including adding products, discounts and surcharges (shipping, measuring, install, etc.). 


  • From the Home Page, click on the Create a Quote button.  (note: Site Administrators will need to go to the Quotes list to create a quote)
  • On the Customer Selection screen, locate the customer for whom the quote will be created and click the Select button.
  • In the Line Item Base section, use the drop down menu to select Product Type.
  • Use the drop down menu to select Vendor.
  • Use the drop down menu to select Product.
  • The More Information button will display a listing of product guides/product information for your selected product.
  • The Retain options box will retain your selected options on the next line added. 

  • Now you will begin entering/selecting the options for the first window.
  • All available options will be listed in the left hand column.
  • The  up arrow symbol can be used to hide/view each section of options.
  • When entering width and height, the dimensions may be entered as fractions or in decimal form.  If entered as a decimal, the number will automatically be converted to a fraction of 1/8" (shutters will be converted to 1/16").

  • In the right hand column, are the Pricing sections. 
  • In the Item Discount section, you may give a discount as a percentage or a dollar amount to the price for this line item.
  • You may also override the existing Item price by typing in a new dollar amount in the Item Price box. 
  • Using the Reset button will reset the pricing back to the original value. 

  • In the More section, you can see additional details of your pricing, including Base Cost (MSRP); Vendor Discount Amount (your discount based upon your vendor cost factors); and Item Cost (your cost).
  • The Margin percent can be changed if desired.  
  • The Net Surcharge Margin Percent is available for a small portion of products. This is a margin that will be applied to net surcharges only.  Currently the only products are found in the vendors Norman Window Fashions and Horizons.  
  • Once all options and pricing have been entered, press either Save and New to continue to the next line item or Save and Close to complete your quote. 
  • Any Errors will be shown at the bottom of the window. 
  • You must correct the error(s) BEFORE you can save the line item.

  • When all line items have been entered, and you hit the Save and Close button, you'll be taken to the Quote Review screen.
  • This screen again uses the up/down arrow to expand/hide details for various sections.  
  • Line Items - allows you to review all line items in the quote.
  • Clicking on the >Arrow allows you to see details for each line in the expanded Items Count section.

  • Order Total will show you subtotal 1, which is the price for all products on the quote. Cost and Profit for all lines will also be shown in this section if you have security allowing you to view cost information. 
Within the order total section, there are two subsections: Adjustment Discounts and Adjustment Surcharges.  In these sections you may add a Discount or a Surcharge to the quote. 

Adding Discounts/Promotions

  1. Expand the Adjustments Discounts section 
  2. Click the Add button
  3. A list of all available discounts will be shown
  4. Place a check mark to the left of one discount name 
  5. Click OK

  6. If the charge has a value associated with it (ex: 10%  or $50) it will be automatically added
  7. If there is no value associated with the charge, you will be a pop-up window.  This is where you can give the charge a value
  8. By default, if the charge is a percentage, you will be prompted to enter a percentage in the Type field. You can also enter a dollar amount by placing a check in the button beside Override the amount to enter a dollar amount  

  9. Adjustments Surcharges can be added in the same way. 

Editing discounts or surcharges

  1. Place a check mark to the left of one discount/surcharge
  2. Click the Edit Amount button
  3. Either enter a new percentage (if applicable) or a new dollar amount
  4. Click OK to exit and save 

Deleting discounts or surcharges

  1. Place a check mark to the left of one or more discounts/surcharges
  2. Click the  Delete button

Adding Comments

The Comments section allows you to type comments specific to your quote. These comments can be marked as Customer, meaning they will be printed on your customer output, or Internal, meaning that only other users will be able to view them.  When you have finished typing your comments, click the Add button to add them to your quote. 

Generating Output

To view output, go to the Generate Reports section.  Depending on the types of output your Account Administrator has setup, you may see one of more quotes available. You will also see Internal OrderInternal Order is a more detailed report, which lists all selected options.  As the name implies, it is for Internal use as a review.  Click the View Report button to preview and/or print the document, .Clicking the Email Report button to open an email window. This window will have the customer's email address in the To: field for a Quote.  You may customize the email with your own text. 

Applies To:

  • Solatech Focus

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