Creating a new customer in Solatech Focus

Creating a new customer in Solatech Focus


This article will describe how to create a new customer in Solatech Focus


  • From the Home Page, click on the Add new customer button.  (Site Administrators will need to go to the Customers list to enter a new customer) 
  • Required fields are indicated with an asterisk (*)   They are: First Name, Last Name, Sales Rep and Phone.
  • Terms, Lead Source, Sales Rep and Tax Codes are predefined drop down menus and cannot be modified by the sales rep. 

Note: If you are logged in as a Sales Rep, your name will automatically be selected in this field.

Adding a phone number 

  • Click the Add button
  • Change label if needed 
  • Enter phone number
  • Repeat for any additional phone numbers required
Below is a graphic showing where the label is changed and where the phone number is entered. 

Adding an email

  • Click the Add button
  • Change label if needed
  • Enter email address
  • Repeat for any additional customer email addresses.
Below is a graphic showing where the label is changed and where the email address is entered

Selecting tax codes

  • Use the drop down menu Select tax
  • Select the correct tax rate
  • Click the Add button
  • Repeat for any other tax codes which apply to this customer

Entering Addresses

  • Click the Add button
  • Select the Address Type:  Shipping or Billing
    • Note: Customer Shipping Address is the physical location of the customer. This will NOT affect where your ordered products from your vendor(s) are shipped. 
  • Type address information in the text boxes
  • Repeat for any other addresses to be entered

Note:  it is possible to enter multiple Shipping and Billing Addresses for a customer.

Adding a Customer Image

  • Click on the Select file box
  • Browse to the location of the customer image
  • Click on the image once
  • Click Open
  • The image will be attached (note:  the image will not be visible until you save the customer data) .

Applies To:

  • Solatech Focus 

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