Changes to customer record and customer list

Changes to customer record and customer list


Solatech Focus customer records now contain a new field, Customer Name. This change was made in order to implement QuickBooks Online integration. This knowledge base article will describe the changes and how they will affect your customer records.

Customer Record

  • When a customer record is viewed, Customer Name is the first field shown. For existing customers, this change has already been made and no action is required. 
  • For new customers, Customer Name is a required field (indicated by a asterisk). 
  • When Customer Name is entered, the site will automatically separate first name and last name. First name and last name can be edited if needed.     
  • A new field, M.I. (middle initial) has also been added. 
  • Please note that all customer names must now be unique.  If two customers on one account have the same name, they must be modified slightly so they are not an exact match.. Adding a middle initial will serve this purpose.

Customer List

  • The customer list now contains the field Customer Name in the first column
  • Users may still search for any portion of first name or last name on the search bar

Applies to:

  • Solatech Focus

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