Account Administrator - How to Maintain your Focus Account

Account Administrator - How to Maintain your Focus Account


The Account Administrator (AA) has the ability to change or add products, discounts, lists and users on their account.  This Knowledge Base article will describe how to perform these tasks.


We will begin by clicking on the Admin tab in Solatech Focus. You will see a series of sub-links: Account, Products, Discounts, Lists and Users.  The Account link is covered in this Knowledge Base article:  Adding or Modifying your Company's Address and Terms and Conditions.   The Discounts link is covered in this Knowledge Base article: Managing Vendor Discounts for your Account in Solatech Focus.  This article will focus on the remaining three.


There are three sections on this page: Vendors, Products and Styles. 

Vendors: This section lists available vendors in the system. The number following the vendor name indicates how many products from this vendor are available on your site.   The only change that can be made in the vendors section is to add or change a vendor account number. 

  • Click on the Update button
  • Type in the appropriate vendor account #
  • Hit Update to save your change

Products: This section, allows the AA to enable or disable products, change taxable status, and enter margins and surcharges.

These changes can be made for individual products by following the steps below:

  1. Click on the vendor name in the Vendors section
  2. In the Products section, locate the product you wish to change, and click on the Update button
  3. You may remove or add a check mark to enable or disable a product
  4. Disabled products cannot be used or seen by sales reps.
  5. You may add or remove a check mark the product as taxable or non-taxable
  6. You may enter a new margin in the margin column, or change an existing margin.  Margins should be entered as a number (i.e. 50). Only number characters are allowed in this field. 
  7. You may enter a new net cost margin or change an existing net cost margin in the NetMargin column (note:  Net Margin will only be applied on products which have a net cost surcharge). This should be entered as a number. Only number characters are allowed in this field. 
  8. You may enter a surcharge amount in the surcharge column. This should be a entered as a number which will be added to the retail product price for the product.  Only number characters are allowed in this field. 
  9. When you have completed the changes, click the Update button to save.   

You can also use the action bar to make bulk changes 

  1. Click on the vendor name in the Vendors section
  2. You will see an action bar beneath the products heading
  3. You may select multiple products in the list by clicking on the first one and holding down the Ctrl key to select additional products
  4. Enter the appropriate information from the Action Bar:  Enabled/Disabled; Taxable/Non-Taxable, Margin, NetMargin and/or Surcharge
  5. Hit Apply
  6. The changes will be applied to all highlighted products.

Styles:  This section allows the AA to apply margins or surcharges at the style level.

  1. Click on the product name in the Products section
  2. In the Styles section, you will see all available styles for the product
  3. Locate the style to be changed
  4. Hit the Update button to change Margin, NetMargin or Surcharge for the style
  5. Click Update to save your changes
  6. You may also use the action bar to make changes to multiple styles.


The Lists section allows the AA to change Payment Terms, Lead Sources, Payment Types, Tax Codes and Default Amounts

Payment Terms

  1. To add a payment term, click the Add button
  2. Enter the name of the Term in the text box (i.e. 75% deposit)
  3. To delete an existing term, simply click the "X" to the right of the term name
  4. Click the Update button at the bottom of the page to save your change(s)

Payment Types

  1. To add a payment type, click the Add button
  2. Enter the name of the payment type in the text box (i.e.Visa)
  3. To delete an existing payment type, simply click the "X" to the right of the payment type name
  4. Click the Update button at the bottom of the page to save your change(s)

Tax Codes

  1. To add a tax code, click the Add button
  2. Enter the name of the tax code in the code text box 
  3. Click on "Agency" to enter a new Agency name
  4. Click on the % to enter a tax code percentage
  5. To edit an existing Tax code, simply click in any of these fields and type in the new text.
  6. To delete an existing tax code e, simply click the "X" to the right of the tax code name
  7. Click the Update button at the bottom of the page to save your change(s)

Default Amounts

  1. The default amount names cannot be changed.
  2. You can click in the $ amount field OR the % amount fields for any of the default amounts
  3. Note: you should choose either a $ amount OR  a % for each default amount. If text is entered in both fields, the $ amount will be used. 
  4. Note:  these fields may also be left blank, which will allow sales reps to enter their own values.  
  5. Note: the values entered in these fields may also be modified by the sales reps on individual quotes. 
  6. Click Update to save your change(s)


  1. The user's link allows an AA to add a new account user or modify existing users. 
  2. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk
  3. Each new user must have one or more security roles assigned: Admin, Installer or Sales Rep, these user types will be outlined below
  4. Once you have finished adding the employee/user information, press Apply to save your changes. 
  5. Each new user will receive an email, which will contain their password.  
  6. These passwords cannot be changed, although they can be reset if they are lost/forgotten.

Account Administrator

One Account Administrator is created when the Site Administrator initially creates the account.  Additional Account Administrators can be added by the AA

Account Administrators can:

  • Enable/disable products for their account
  • Modify margins for their account
  • Create new users for their account
  • Create/View/Delete customers for any of their Account Users
  • Create quotes and View/Edit quotes and sales for all of their Account Users
  • View/Edit orders and PO's for all of their Account Users
  • Move quotes, sales and orders through the Workflow for all of their Account users

Sales Rep

Sales Reps have the ability to work with customers, quotes, sales and orders for which they are the assigned sales rep. 

Sales Reps can:

  • Create/View/Delete customers for which they are the sales rep
  • Create/View/Edit quotes for which they are the sales rep
  • View/Edit sales for which they are the sales rep
  • View/Edit orders and PO's for which they are the sales rep
  • Move their quotes, sales and orders through the Workflow


Installers can only view orders and PO's for which they are the assigned installer

Installers can:

  • View orders for which they are the assigned installer. 
  • View POs for which they are the assigned installer
  • Move their POs through the PO Workflow.

Applies To:

Solatech Focus

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